Meltdown on the Mountain, and Piggies at the top

Route: Theon to Thung Salian
Distance: 64km (total 269)
Daytime high: 41c

It was just a little ole ride up the mountain. That’s all it was supposed to be. 8km uphill then down the other side. But let’s throw in 41c and relentless burning sun, and we now have a brutal experience that was nothing short of a Hell on Earth Ride.

When the Garmin says 6% grade, what it really means is an average of 6%. Several places were more like 12%. When we stopped at a little roadside stand to bemoan our fate, we noticed a hose at the side of the shop, so we all doused ourselves and left looking drowned, down, and out. Enough said. We are staying put for two nights at our resort tonight where it feels like a little slice of paradise (minus a pool).

There were a couple of highlights on the mountain (when we weren’t sitting on the pavement dying). Btw, “we” refers to Deana and I—Randy was usually a few shady patches ahead, waiting patiently for us. At our lunch stop, there was a table full of school girls. When we approached the outdoor seating area they all enthusiastically began practising their English “hello” and “how are you?” And when we responded by asking to take a selfie with them they all squealed in delight. When one of the girls tried on a few more English phrases all her friends giggled with excitement and happiness at her success. They seemed thrilled to be interacting with us odd looking foreigners from Canada. A little while later three of them, all riding a scooter, passed us on the road and there were more big happy waves, and joyously loud Hellooooos. It really made our day to see how much the interaction meant to them. (And to us!)

At the top of the mountain came the Piggies. (and a few scrappy chickens). We speculate it was a boar sanctuary. For a small donation the nearby worker brought us a knife and some melons to cut up and feed the those curious piggies who were now gathering at the fence expectantly. A little pushing and shoving, but we ensured that even the ones at the bottom of the pecking order got their very own melon slice.

By mid-afternoon we were in full-on meltdown mode. Barely able to think straight we actually feared heat exhaustion. As we rolled nearer to our destination there suddenly appeared a gorgeous little resort surrounded by exotic tropical plants, beautiful mountains and our rooms faced a marvellous sunset. Breakfast will be delivered to our rooms in morning (we splurged—$37 for the room and breakfast—we are living large!). As we sit outside on our patios in the darkness, we also marvel at the sounds of what we can only imagine is a plethora of insect and amphibian nightlife. And remarkably there are no mosquitos or any other flying, biting thingies. This is paradise!

Posted in Thailand 2023, Uncategorized.


  1. It does sound brutal but on the other hand it’s cold here albeit sunny . On my ride yesterday it was bonechilling and it took me an hour or more to warm up when I got home . Embrace the heat and the magic Thailand delivers 🙏

  2. Your writing makes me wish I’d have gotten off my plane from Argentina, and boarded yours. PS my wife as always requests more food pictures 🙂🙃

  3. Oh no! You look so hot and bothered! I hope the heat and humidity eases so that you don’t risk your health or get too cranky (that would be me!) I know that you are well aware of how to take care of yourselves under such conditions but keep in mind that there are those of us back home who only wish for your best well being! Take care! (The food and scenery look incredible btw)

  4. A cannot imagine riding in forty degree temperatures – actually I don’t believe I have ever experienced temperatures that high! Keep the wonderful pictures coming!

  5. So happy you found a little paradise at the end of the day!! Beautiful photos!! Must have been fun feeding the little piggies😂

  6. Best paragraph:

    At our lunch stop, there was a table full of school girls. When we approached the outdoor seating area they all enthusiastically began practicing their English “hello” and “how are you?” And when we responded by asking to take a selfie with them they all squealed in delight. When one of the girls tried on a few more English phrases all her friends giggled with excitement and happiness at her success. They seemed thrilled to be interacting with us odd looking foreigners from Canada. A little while later three of them, all riding a scooter, passed us on the road and there were more big happy waves, and joyously loud Hellooooos. It really made our day to see how much the interaction meant to them. (And to us!)

    It is amazing how interaction with the locals bring so much joy and appreciation to the journey!

  7. I am so enjoying your wonderful descriptions of your day to day experiences, Anita! Sorry about the elevated heat, but you seem to finding lots of ways to deal with it!!!
    Continue to explore and enjoy!

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