Randy’s moment of fame

Distance today: 74km
Total distance to date: 293km
Temperature (max): 28.6°C
View the stats on Strava

We spent time on the highway today (so did a random herd of cows, but we’ll get to that.). When possible, we seek out roads less travelled and today we found ourselves riding along the seashore’s edge, with barely another car or human into be found. We are a peculiar sight, and don’t go unnoticed. Five young men were out walking and in addition to the usual enthusiastic “Hellloooooos”  this group wanted to shake hands and get pictures with Randy (it’s that snazzy masterpiece haircut of his). In an instant, Randy became a celebrity! Laughter and smiles are a universal language—Tùng Sơn and I  became “Facebook Friends” before we continued on our way.

Our apprehension about busy intersections and crossing multi-lane roadways has disappeared. For safety reasons we have opted to not wear rear-view mirrors—the hazards are all in front of us and that’s where our attention must be—left, right, and oncoming in our lane. Knowing what’s behind might make us flinch and worse yet, stop. Traffic moves around us like a school of fish, and we are fishes too. And it’s beginning to make sense!

Cows here also understand traffic dynamics. Tonight while at dinner about 15 cows caught our eye as they were walking down the centre of a very wide road. They walked far, never veering out of the painted lines on the road. That alone is random enough, but these cows had no supervision, restraints, or guidance that we could see, yet they seemed to possess a sense of direction and hazard avoidance.

We came here to see everything, not just the pretty attractions. Today we saw industrial facilities and busy roads and admittedly it was a slog. We found a little gem of a hotel at the end of a very long stretch of an impressively sprawling steel manufacturing area. Tired and overheated (humidity is picking up!) we are thrilled to be off the bike and resting up for whatever tomorrow may bring

One of the tiny roads “Ride With GPS” thinks we should take.

Pho—for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Randy’s moment of fame

Posted in Uncategorized, Vietnam 2024.


  1. Anita – you have a great way of capturing the essence of your adventure for us armchair traveller, Thanks you two!

  2. Another great descriptive post with awesome pictures! Love the picture of Randy with the group of boys/men!

  3. Such great adventures and stories. We are also depending on our gal in the Garmin. . . . she has taken us on some small roads then some tiny roads then some roads that aren’t quite there as we wander through Portugal.

    • Yeah, we hear ya on the “roads that aren’t quite there” thing. We frequently need to stop, reassess and override the route recommendations.

  4. Randy and Anita, another lovely day of adventure! I’m really enjoying reading your posts, pictures and descriptions of your events. Best way to travel! May your journey continue with joy and happiness. Cheers.

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